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Explore MoreUmrah is a pilgrimage to Makkah, the holiest city for Muslims, that consists of rituals performed at various shrines.
Explore MoreRamadan is a holy month of worship, prayer, and fasting that Muslims observe during the ninth month of the Islamic calendar.
Explore MoreMakkah is the capital of Hejaz in western Saudi Arabia and the birthplace of the Prophet Muhammad.
Explore MoreMadina is a city in Saudi Arabia, the second holiest city in Islam after Makkah. It’s located in the Hejaz region, and was the home of the prophet Muhammad, the founder of Islam.
Explore MoreZiyarat is an Arabic word that means “to visit”. In Islam, it refers to a pilgrimage to a holy place, shrine, or tomb. It can also refer to the Hajj pilgrimage to Makkah, or pilgrimages to other sites.
Explore MoreThe Hajj holds a special place in the hearts of Muslims around the world. It is the most significant Islamic pilgrimage, a journey that draws Muslims closer to their faith and their Creator